Sunco uses the power of the sun as a tool for social, environmental and economic transformation
SunCo conducts training and knowledge transfer to empower local vulnerable communities
We have been able to solve issues regarding universal basic services access by building innovative solutions that are designed specifically to work in remote rural locations
Sunco was founded 10 years ago with only one single vision, creating opportunities every day, we create with our products and technology every day opportunities.We’ve impacted and build more than 3,600 SHS, more 2,000 schools with solar and educational offline technologies, closing the educational Gap that became deeper with pandemics, more than 1,000 solar rural prepaid internet hubs, more than 12,000 last mile fixed internet services, more than rural solar house holds, more than 5 micro smart grids and more than 100 solar hubs with solar, off line educational technology and water treatment services
Our solutions!
Solar Home Systems13751
Installed kWp2232
Teachers trained in EdTech72332
Students with access to Quality Educationsuccess stories
Colombia is full of stories which we have been part of and where we have impacted in the most positive ways

Sunco has been created education opportunities, not only for the children of Planadas – Tolima, but for their parents as well.

Nazareth – Guajira is one of the most remote locations in Colombia, and that is where Sunco has gone to provide electricity, internet access, education and clean water.

Few days after Providencia island was struck by Hurricane Iota, Sunco was there providing agency for the people and helping reconstruct the island.
Sustainable Development Goals
Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we have directly met 7 and have indirectly contributed to another 4

We provide the opportunity for thousands of students and teachers to be part of a quality learning ecosystem.

We transform lives using the power of the sun through sustainable solutions such as the creation and implementation of water purification huts.

Affordable and non-polluting energy is one of the Sustainable Development Goals that we achieve directly.

Decent work and economic growth is one of the Sustainable Development Goals that we achieve directly.

More 2,000 schools with solar and educational offline technologies, closing the educational Gap that became deeper with pandemic.

Not only in the most remote areas of the country, but in large cities, we implement solutions that prevent the growth of pollution.

We believe that when energy is the source and technology is the bridge, the result is revolutionary.